Use English Today


Use English Today

Our English courses are tailored for mandarin speakers, with the goal of helping them achieve English Language proficiency in the shortest time possible. We place a lot of focus on the conversational aspect of the language so that our beginners can begin to function normally in an English speaking environment such as Singapore.

优质英文培训 是一家特地为华人制造的新加坡英文培训中心。我们所有的英文课程是为了华语母语的学者特制的。请看一看我们的网站,多多了解我们,看是否我们能不能够帮助你。 联络我们

Our Courses

What are the best courses for you?

Starter (Level 1)

This level is designed for the pure beginner. Students at this level are generally unable to read, speak and have a fear of English. They learn because they have to, not because they want to. Our courses are designed to ease them into the language and transition them into the next level.  For more information please click here.


You can't read any English Words.
You can't speak any English.
You feel that grammar is too confusing and difficult.
You feel that you will never be able to use English in your lifetime.
You have given yourself one last time to learn English.

What are the best courses for you?

Elementary (Level 2)

English lessons are conducted in mainly English with mandarin used judiciously. These lessons are aimed at students who are struggling to use English on a daily basis for work or general use.  Students will be able to ask questions in their native language. For more information, please click here.

特地为华人制造的 碎片英文课程。了解更多信息

You can speak a little English, but you always feel that its not good.
You are confused about grammar and hope to understand it better.
You want to learn how to write better.
You want to work and live independently in and Singapore.

What are the best courses for you?

Pre-intermediate (Level 3)

This course is for students already using English in their daily lives, but still feel that there is much room for improvement. We focus on articles and stories to build up confidence and then couple it with an occasional dash of Mandarin to speed things along. For more information please click here.

Students will participate in lots of group discussions.
Lots of interesting and meaningful articles to improve comprehension.
Improve your vocabulary dramatically.
Learn how to use grammar correctly.
Learn how to correctly translate Chinese into English.



To find out more about us and our courses available please feel free to contact us.


Located in the heart of Singapore, just minutes walk from City Hall MRT exit 'B'. 

Use English Today

1 Coleman St, #08-03 The Adelphi Singapore 179803








我来新加坡两年多了,去年12月开始报名学习英语,我这个中专学历(只会yes no thank you呵呵了)跟着老师坚持了四个月,没想到渐渐可以跟我的经理(印度白人)聊天开玩笑,跟同事(菲律宾人)一起边聊边工作,嘘!哈哈!现在已经开始L2的课了,L2的课全程都是英文,我居然听得懂,哈哈,佩服我自己(脸皮有点厚哈哈),钱和时间都没白花!如果有小伙伴谁想来一起做同学,我会带你或者推荐你去免费试听,我的课堂笔记也可以分享给你,希望在新加坡的想学英语的人都不要走弯路,都不要再因为不会说英语而不方便,上午班,下午班,晚上班,周日班,周三班,很多班可以选择,我们可以根据自己的时间,这一点真的是很好,我L1当时是上的上午班,周一和周四的十点到一点,每周两节课,现在L2我是上周日的班,十点到两点半,每周一节课,这里上课最值得的地方是不需要背单词预习复习,只要跟着老师的课走就不知不觉都会了,哈哈,反正很适合我这种懒人,有想法想学的一定要加我,会少走很多弯路。

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