Elementary English (Level 2)

This English course is made for the Chinese Speaker

Start to speak English now

You are afraid to use English even though you can speak it. Most of the time you don't use it because you think that people will laugh at you. This course will provide a system for you to start using English confidently.


This course will be taught using 90% English and 10% Chinese.


This elementary course is specially designed to help the Chinese Speaker become a confident speaker and user of the English Language. The course will be taught using 90% English and 10% Chinese. This is to make sure that the student understands everything that is being taught in the course.


My students learning to speak confidently.

When you join Elementary English, you will also

  • We use the latest techniques in English Language teaching

    We use the latest methods in English Language teaching. We focus on using the language first, helping you to be confident and then finally teaching you the grammar of English. The methods are designed to help native Chinese speakers learn quickly and easily.

  • Learn to be confident in 4 months

    In 4 months, you will be able to use English confidently and use it in your daily life.

  • Join our free learning group

    We have WeChat groups that provide daily free English Language videos. When you join us, inform your teacher and you will be included in this exclusive group.


People and Places

Grammar: be : is, isn’t, are, aren’t, am

Vocabulary: Countries and Nationalities; Jobs

Task: Find information from documents


People and Things

Grammar: this/that, these/those

Possessives ‘s: have got

Vocabulary: Everyday Objects; Family

Task: Talk about your five favourite people

Language live: Completing a form; Answering questions

Your Life

Grammar: Present simple positive and negative (I, you, we they): Present simple: questions and short answers.

Vocabulary: Common verbs; Telling the time; Places in a town.

Task: Describe life in your favourite town

Likes and Dislikes

Grammar: Present simple positive and negative (he/she/it): Present simple: questions and short answers.

Vocabulary: Activities; Phrases for time and frequency

Task: Choose a holiday activity

Language live: Meeting people; Introducing a friend

From A to B

Grammar: can/ can’t possibility and ability; Articles: a/an, the and no article

Vocabulary: Transport; Travelling

Task: Do a transport survey

Food and Drink

Grammar: there is and there are; some and any; how much and how many

Vocabulary: Food: Countable and Uncountable nouns; Food pairs

Task: Describe a favourite place to eat

Life Stories

Grammar: Present simple: was/were: Past simple: regular and irregular verbs

Vocabulary: Life events; Past time phrases

Task: Tell a story

Fact and Fiction

Grammar: Past simple: negative form; Past simple: question form

Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe stories; Entertainment

Task: Talk about an evening in or out

Buy and Sell

Grammar: Comparative adjectives; Superlative adjectives

Vocabulary: Describing objects; Shops and services

Task: Choose souvenirs from your country

Look Good

Grammar: Present Continuous; Present simple or continuous?

Vocabulary: Clothes; Describing personality

Task: Analyse your personality

Language live: Asking for goods and services; Describing people


Grammar: Question words; Quantifiers: a lot of, a little, a few, not any, not much, not many

Vocabulary: Animals and natural features; Big numbers

Task: Devise a general knowledge quiz


Good Times

Grammar: going to for future intentions; would like to and want to for future wishes

Vocabulary: Celebrations and parties; Weather and seasons

Task: Plan a festival

Language live: Information to promote a festival; Suggestions and offers

Live and Learn

Grammar: Have to and don’t have to; might and will

Vocabulary: School and university subjects; Educations and training

Task: Complete a careers questionnaire

Keep in Touch

Grammar: Present perfect (unfinished time); Present perfect(with ever)

Vocabulary: Ways of communicating; Technology

Task: Keep talking

Language live: Telephoning; A text message



    • WPL Reading
    • WPL Listening
    • WPL Speaking
    • WPL Writing
    Click and drag the image to zoom in
    • WPL Reading
    • WPL Listening
    • WPL Speaking
    • WPL Writing

    Is this course suitable for you?

    If you answer yes to 3 or more points, this course is for you

    • You want a teacher that can correctly translate English into Chinese
    • You want to speak confidently but don't know how
    • You don't know how to read English words correctly
    • You sometimes don't understand what people are saying
    • You are worried and nervous when you need to use English
    • You have attended a lot of schools but haven't gotten much success
    • You need English to have a better future
    Course                         Fees
    English Level 2         S$1580

    WeChat: zgm8090123

    WeChat: yewhuat80


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